Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Give Thanks!

Saddened having just read a post from someone about hoping they never have to "deal" with more than 2 children, here goes.....

Children really are a "blessing from the Lord" - It says it right in the Bible. Nowhere in the Bible does it say raising children is easy. Actually the less comfortable my life is, the more I seek the face of God. Isn't this what he wants! For us to love, need, desire and seek him.

Above all of my other "jobs" in life, mothering has led me to seek the intercession of the Holy Spirit more than all others. 1Thes 5:18 - In every circumstance give Thanks! It's hard sometimes, I know, but sometimes through all the hysteria (fighting, crying, screaming) it helps to just laugh and give thanks to God for all of our "blessings" regardless of how blessed we feel at the moment.

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